Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Purple Candidate?

It seems like everyday each candidate is trying to play each other off as being far from the center.  But when you actually stop and look at both of McCain and Obama's policies it seems that there is very little that either has done that has truly strayed from the center.  Sure their policies may function differently on their basic principals but neither is really pushing for radical change although their campaigns are all about "reform" and "change."

At this point we need to realize that our government has broken down and that the most radical thing a candidate can actually do at this point is push for bipartisanship.  Our president has obviously been a failure in the last 8 years but let's not fail to see that our congress hasbeen  equally ineffective.  We've seen how easy it is to veto a law versus actually passing one.  A real candidate for "change" or "reform" must realize the power that his office holds in setting precedents for bipartisanship no only within his branch of government but also within the the legislative.

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